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Results for "keyword: "solitude""
The Tao of Ordinariness A reflection on how humility can be reframed.
Dancing on the Head of a Pen Robert Benson on making the most out of silence and solitude for creative endeavors.
The Spirit of Silence John Lane on silence and solitude as keys to creativity and personal renewal.
Awakening to Awe Kirk J. Schneider on how we can enhance awe in our lives through unknowing and the recognition of life's mysteries.
Plant Whatever Brings You Joy Kathryn Hall on self-nurture through making a place in your life for grace and the unknown.
Solitude & Compassion A rich and deep vision of the heart of the Gospel.
The Language of Life A poem by Stanley Kunitz on the spiritual practice of you.
Art as Therapy Commentaries on two paintings revealing their relevance and meaning to everyday life.
A Spirituality of Living Henri J. M. Nouwen on God calling us the Beloved.
The Soul Is Here for Its Own Joy An excellent anthology of poems about the twists and surprising turns of the spiritual path.